Peter Yuill - Opening Night: Celestial Secrets

29 June 2023 
7pm to 10pm

West Eden is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Peter Yuill.

On view from June 29th to July 27th, this exhibition will mark the artist's first solo presentation in Thailand. Featuring intricately hand drawn geometry, this thematic presentation of sacred geometry is an interpretation of deep mathematical connections that exist in a universe where mathematics, physics and astronomy are not mutually exclusive to spirituality. Yuill, who is known for precise drawings, pursues an articulation of the dichotomy between the divine, the random, the perfect and the absurd. 

His upcoming exhibition with West Eden in Bangkok will bring together a series of new works that explore his fascination with the mesmerising moons and storms of Saturn. Yuill will also be presenting a large scale mural work that reflects his roots as a counter culture kid along with an associated multimedia screening of his process.

Join us at 7pm on June 27th to celebrate the opening of Peter's exhibition. 


A word of caution: we'll be serving tequila.