Large number of Icelanders upset by artist Marco Evaristti's latest work. Express their anger on Facebook

Iceland magazine, April 27, 2015

A large number of Icelanders became rather upset when they heard that Chilean born/Copenhagen based artist Marco Evaristti, had poured red food colouring into Strokkur hot spring in the Geysir geothermal area, last Friday. Some decided to express their outrage and anger by leaving heated comments on the artist’s Facebook page; a number of people warned Evaristti not to return to the country, while one infuriated individual called the artist a donut.


Geysir’s owners claim that Evaristti entered the grounds without their knowledge and consent and reported the incident to local authorities. The Selfoss Police Department brought Evaristti in for interrogation following the incident and issued a hefty fine, claiming that the artist’s behaviour was reckless and dangerous. Evaristti says he has no intention of paying the fine and has now left the country.